mardi 28 décembre 2010

Les votes sont ouverts pour le David Gemmell Legend Award

Voici la sélection pour le prix Legend du David Gemmell Legend Award. Vous pouvez d'ors et déjà voter pour sélectionner la short list. Pour cela il vous suffit d'aller sur le site du DGLA et de cliquer sur Legend en haut de la page.
Tout le monde peut voter (inscrits ou non)
Les votes pour les deux autres catégories (premier roman de fantasy et meilleur illustration) vont ouvrir bientôt.


DOUGLASS, Sara - The Infinity Gate (Bk 3: DarkGlass Mountain)
ELLIOTT, Will - Pilgrims (Bk 1: Pendulum)
LARKE, Glenda - Stormlord Rising (Bk 3: Watergivers)
LAY, Duncan - The Risen Queen (Bk 2: Dragon Sword Histories)
LAY, Duncan - The Radiant Child (Bk 3: Dragon Sword Histories)
McGUINESS, Bevan - The Slave of Sondelle (Bk 1: Eleven Kingdoms)
McINTOSH, Fiona - King’s Wrath (Bk 3: Valisar)
MILLER, Karen - The Reluctant Mage (Bk 2: Fisherman’s Children)
ROBERTS, Tansy Rayner - Power and Majesty
VICTORIA, Mary - Tymon's Flight


ENGE, James – The Wolf Age
LLOYD, Tom – The Ragged Man - a joint Nomination with GOLLANCZ
SYKES, Sam – Tome of the Undergates - a joint Nomination with GOLLANCZ


DANIELLS, Rowena Cory - The King’s Bastard
KEARNEY, Paul - Corvus


BUCHANAN, Col - Farlander
NEWTON, Mark Charan - City of Ruin
TCHAIKOVSKY, Adrian - The Scarab Path


BERNOBICH, Beth - Passion Play
BRUST, Steven - Iorich
CHARLTON, Blake - Spellwright
COOK, Glen - Surrender to the Will of the Night
HICKMAN, Tracy and WEISS, Margaret - The Secret of the Dragon
HUSO, Anthony - The Last Page
JONES, J.V. - Watcher of the Dead
JORDAN, Robert and SANDERSON, Brandon - Towers of Midnight
McCONCHIE, Lyn - The Questing Road
MODESITT, L. E. - Arms-Commander
PEHOV, Alexey - Shadow Prowler
SALVATORE, R.A. - The Bear
SANDERSON, Brandon - The Way of Kings - a joint Nomination with GOLLANCZ
SCHOLES, Ken - Antiphon
WATT-EVANS, Lawrence - Above his Proper Station


ESSLEMONT, Ian C. - Stonewielder


BROOKS, Terry - Bearers of the Black Staff
JORDAN, Robert and SANDERSON, Brandon - Towers of Midnight
LARKE, Glenda - Stormlord Rising (Bk 3: Watergivers)
MOON, Elizabeth - Oath of Fealty


CANAVAN, Trudi - The Ambassador's Mission
HEITZ, Markus - War of the Dwarves
JEMISIN, N. K. - The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
WEEKS, Brent - The Black Prism


BARCLAY, James - Elves: Once Walked With Gods
DEAS, Stephen - King of the Crags
DEAS, Stephen - The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice
DONALDSON, Stephen - Against All Things Ending
KENDALL, Anna - Crossing Over
LACHLAN, M. D. - Wolfsangel
LLOYD, Tom – The Ragged Man - a joint Nomination with PYR
MARMELL, Ari - The Conqueror’s Shadow
PEVEL, Pierre - The Alchemist in the Shadows
SANDERSON, Brandon - The Way of Kings - a joint Nomination with TOR US
SILVERWOOD, Sarah - The Double-Edged Sword
SPRUNK, Jon - Shadow’s Son
SYKES, Sam – Tome of the Undergates - a joint Nomination with PYR
VAUGHAN, Beth - Destiny’s Star


THORPE, Gav - Shadow King


BRETT, Peter V - The Desert Spear
FEIST, Raymond E - At the Gates of Darkness
HOBB, Robin - Dragon Haven
McINTOSH, Fiona - The King's Wrath


PHILIP, Gillian - Firebrand 

1 commentaire:

Dup a dit…

J'ai repéré le tome 3 de Valisar !!!

Quand donc l'aurons-nous en français ?
Faut que je tanne Bragelonne !